Art & Philosophy

Welcome to my blog where I share ideas I found while trying to survive my life.

Here you can find my art and share thoughts about the world.

Recent blog posts

My new song about stupid conflict and AI which will never replace artists

I wrote a new song and I would like to share it with you. It got insired by various LLMs which cannot generate songs about the conflict.

Free Pavel Durov! - bring back freedom of speech!

French police detained Pavel Durov an Telegram Top Executive. I disagree with such freedom of speach abuse. This blog post will share my views on why we need to support such figures.

AMS - tekst o Amsterdamie

Napisłem nowy tekst, którego nie potrafię umieścić w rapie i gdy to robię brzmię jak nieuk.

My first drawing excercises

At the beginning of this year I started to paint with watercolor and on this blog post I share some progress from my art journey.

The one about humanity, AI, capitalism and me not planning to have kids

My thoughts on AI and what it did to artists communities. I’m sharing my dissapointment and point to capitalism as origin of this issue.

Wiersz o tesknocie za autostopem

Napisałem nowy wiersz o tęsknocie za autostopem i prostszym życiem bez lęku o bycie zapomnianym przez wszystko.