Art & Philosophy

The one about humanity, AI, capitalism and me not planning to have kids

The one about humanity, AI, capitalism and me not planning to have kids

Something broke inside me

Extremely hot weather in the Amsterdam. There slight wind prevents me from getting toasted on the pavement with no sign of shadow.

Waves of tourists, sweaty pass me by in front of Batavia pub window which like nothing else fits today’s mood. Small dirty window, which acts like a mirror of the world. A world I lost feeling of belonging to.

Today I watched a video [1] about a person who worked as an artist and recently got replaced by AI. You might think that’s normal. The world progress and artists soon will become obsolete.

I understand that. The problem though is that works of this artists got feed to AI system to make him redundant.

What can you feel after such event? Anger? Hate? Emptiness? Probably all of that, but most importantly disappointment.

So why am I writing this?

Capitalism took another thing I cared about

I don’t value many things in life. A handful people I have and small amount of gear is completely enough to make me feel good on daily basis.

Some things are a bit more abstract though. Values that do not belong to me and fits in a category of arts.

Drawing, music composing, poetry, photography they have one thing in common. They allow to transfer human emotions that shape our world.

From classical music and Van Gog paintings to simple rhythms of Disco Polo music. Small sparks of artists creativity light fires in our hearts and give space for communities to grow.

Since I remember there always was a threat to art.


We were on a path to art destruction since a very long time. Mainstream brands like IKEA, Adidas, Nike and popular music factories slowly killed the market for entrepreneurs.

Still the space for artists existed and people could work and develop within rules of capitalism which used to benefit artists and companies.

Artists were giving their emotions, creativity and skills where companies were giving back money. Simple circle that works for almost every field.

Sadly, the node of the circle containing artists is no longer needed. At least that’s what it looks like.

That’s why I decided to write this post. A broad view on current AI advancements and path the humanity took. Path I no longer feel to be a part of.

Emptiness and deep feeling of defeat

I think we all lost our privacy and freedom to bunch of billionaires who simply don’t care about average good.

They only care about their profit and ability to conquer market with innovation no matter what price we all have to pay.

I won’t have kids and pray for end of the world

I feel lied to.

Since I was kid everyone was trying to convince me that the world we live in is something more than brutal, shallow, driven by greed utopia of ultra rich white people.

Bunch of lies we should stop telling to our kids. We should tell them from the start.

If you are born in poor family you will probably never be rich.

You can try though. You can earn your first million but it has a price. Price of human exploitation.

Is it worth it? Worth to sacrifice others for your personal gain? Worth to use artists like plastic containers that you throw our everyday? I don’t think so.

I think the only way this machine of madness is continuing to run is by giving it fuel. There are different types of fuel capitalists run on. Natural resources are one of them but the main asset they use are human beings.

That’s why I finally decided. I will never have kids. I don’t want them to suffer in this world which will steal their creativity and exploit their bodies.

I won’t make you another kid to indoctrinate and possess. I simply won’t. If not a fucking asteroid or other cataclysm solve it. I will start cutting the main ingredient in this machine of

In simple terms, won’t give you more meat to grind.


[1] “I lost my job to AI this week…​” [Online]. Available: